Journey Begins: Cycling Together Along Chicago's Lakefront

Navigating Your Cycling Journey: Goal-Setting for Beginners

Embarking on a cycling journey can be as thrilling as it is daunting, especially for beginners. As an experienced ride leader and avid cyclist, I’ve seen many new riders flourish by setting the right goals and leveraging the support of a cycling club like ours. Let’s explore how you, as a beginner, can set meaningful goals and use our club’s resources to achieve them.

Understanding the Types of Cycling Goals

First, it’s important to understand the three types of goals that can guide your progress: Process, Performance, and Outcome goals. Process goals focus on daily actions (like consistently riding a set number of times per week), Performance goals target specific improvements (such as increasing your power output), and Outcome goals are the ultimate achievements (like completing a century ride).

Setting Your Own Goals

As a beginner, your goals should be tailored to your current abilities and aspirations. Use the SMART framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, a goal to “ride a 30-mile route in under three hours by the end of the season” fits this criteria perfectly.

Leveraging the Cycling Club

Our club is more than just a group of cyclists; it’s a support system that can dramatically aid in reaching your goals. Here’s how:

  1. Guidance and Mentorship: Experienced cyclists in the club can offer advice, help you refine your goals, and provide tips based on their own experiences.
  2. Structured Rides: Participate in club rides that align with your performance goals. These rides are a great way to build endurance, speed, and technique in a supportive environment.
  3. Learning Opportunities: Take advantage of workshops or clinics hosted by the club. These can cover anything from basic bike maintenance to advanced riding techniques.
  4. Accountability and Motivation: Riding with a group provides a sense of accountability. You’re more likely to stick to your training plan when you have committed to riding with others.

Setting Achievable and Personal Goals

Remember, your goals should be personal. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle. If increasing your FTP or improving your hill-climbing skills feels too advanced right now, start with more manageable goals like improving your riding posture or mastering gear shifting.

Breaking Down Your Goals

Large goals can feel overwhelming, so break them down into smaller, achievable steps. If your goal is to participate in a charity ride six months from now, start with shorter rides and gradually increase your distance each week.

Embracing the Journey

While goals are important, don’t let them overshadow the joy of cycling. Celebrate your small victories and enjoy every ride. Sometimes, the weather, a tough day, or a mechanical issue might get in the way of a perfect ride, but these experiences are all part of your growth as a cyclist.


Setting goals as a beginner cyclist is about understanding what you want to achieve, breaking it down into manageable steps, and using the resources and community around you. Our club is here to support you every pedal stroke of the way. So, set your goals, hop on your bike, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Focused Progress: Black Cyclists Advancing on Chicago's Pathways
Focused Progress: Black Cyclists Advancing on Chicago’s Pathways

As we navigate the exhilarating paths of our cycling adventures, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us in this journey of growth and community. Our club is more than just a group of cyclists; we are a family united by our love for biking and our commitment to each other’s development. Whether you’re taking your first pedal strokes or aiming to reach new heights in your cycling journey, you’ll find a supportive and vibrant community with us. For more details on how to become a part of our cycling family, and to embark on a journey filled with camaraderie, inspiration, and unforgettable experiences, please visit Major Taylor Chicago – Join Us. We can’t wait to ride alongside you and witness the incredible milestones we’ll achieve together.