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County Line Apple Orchard Ride

October 5, 2024 @ 10:00 am3:00 pm


We are riding our bikes to County Line Orchard located down the street from the Bike Barn. I know you’re asking, “What’s the sense riding my bike to an Apple Orchard if I can’t carry anything? Well this will be your lucky day because we are providing sag vehicles that can carry your extra shoes so you can enjoy the orchard in comfort. The sag vehicle will also carry your purchased items back to the start (Wicker Park or Oak Savannah). Imagine going to a place that grows dozens of different varieties of apples from sweet to tart. What kind of pie or cobbler can you make with that? How about buying apple cider extracted that very day? Or apple donuts from their bakery? This is a family friendly event; be sure to ask your family to join you at the orchard at 12 noon! https://www.countylineorchard.com/ 200 S County Line Rd. Hobart, In 46342


This ride has 4 options.  Please choose the option that best suits how you’d like to ride.  

Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024


Option 1

Departure Time: 10:30 am SHARP

Distance: 34 miles

End Time: 3:00 pm

Start Location: Wicker Memorial Park, 8554 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN 46322

Average Speed:  17+ mph

Ride Leader: Ojie Murchison/omurchison@yahoo.com/708-945-5545

Drop/No Drop: No Drop

Route:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48550214

Additional Information:  For this ride we ask each of you to wear a MAROON MTC3 kit if you have one.  If you don’t have maroon, please wear an MTC3 kit that you do have.


Option 2

Departure Time: 10:00 am SHARP

Distance: 34 miles

End Time: 3:00 pm

Start Location: Wicker Memorial Park, 8554 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN 46322

Average Speed:  14-15 mph

Ride Leader: Robert Nathan/rnathanjr@gmail.com/773-551-5271

Drop/No Drop: No Drop

Route:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48549998

Additional Information:  For this ride we ask each of you to wear a MAROON MTC3 kit if you have one.  If you don’t have maroon, please wear an MTC3 kit that you do have.

Option 3

Departure Time: 10:15 am SHARP

Distance: 20 miles

End Time: 3:00 pm

Start Location: Oak Savannah Trail Parking Lot, https://maps.app.goo.gl/2i39uvTgu9Uc4Ltj7

Average Speed:  12-13 mph

Ride Leader: Francis Brantley/francoisb48@sbcglobal.net/708-925-5119

Drop/No Drop: No Drop

Route:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48489309

Additional Information:  For this ride we ask each of you to wear a MAROON MTC3 kit if you have one.  If you don’t have maroon, please wear an MTC3 kit that you do have.

Option 4 – Orchard Only

Family and Friends, please meet us at the orchard.

Meetup Time: 12:00 noon SHARP

Location: County Line Orchard, 200 S County Line Rd. Hobart, In 46342 https://maps.app.goo.gl/ngSedePAK9aftzZ28

Additional Information:  For this ride we ask each of you to wear a MAROON MTC3 kit if you have one.  If you don’t have maroon, please wear an MTC3 kit that you do have.

This ride will only go if weather is permitting. Please check with the ride leader before traveling to the ride to check if the ride may be cancelled due to weather.



Part of being a good cyclist is having the tools and accessories necessary to be self-sufficient, safe, and ready to ride. Below is a general list of items to bring and a to-do list to be ready for an MTC3 ride.

Gear Bag: buy a gear bag (saddle bag is recommended) and stock it with the basics – extra tube, tire tools, a small multi-tool, and either a mini-pump or a CO2 cartridge set.

Hydration/Food: Remember to bring water/sports drink and maybe an energy snack (bar, gel, banana, etc).

Tire Pressure: pump your tires up before coming to the ride, or bring a floor pump that you can use in the parking lot before the ride. If you need help, MTC3 ride leaders will be there to help you learn.

Your bike: Give it a quick inspection. Spin the wheels to make sure they aren’t rubbing. Do the gears shift accurately and easily? Does everything seem to be in order? This is called an ABC check. (Air, Brakes, and Chain)

Optional items: The following will make your ride more enjoyable, but aren’t absolutely necessary. Cycling gloves, sunglasses, cycling shoes and clipless pedals, padded cycling shorts.

Be on Time: MTC3 rides leave promptly at the advertised time. Get to the start of the ride with plenty of time to get yourself and your bike ready to roll with soul!


October 5, 2024
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Wicker Park
8554 Indianapolis Blvd
Highland, Indiana 46322
+ Google Map